Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pearson Peacekeeping Centre Jobs Nov 2012

Newsroom Managers, Field Producers, Multimedia Technicians & Journalists
The Pearson Centre is currently seeking media specialists and journalists to act as role players for major military exercises and simulations in Europe.
Applicants should be permanent residents of a European country.
The Pearson Centre is dedicated to the advancement of peaceful, stable, and functioning societies. Its role is to provide strategic advice and practical solutions on peace and security issues to governments, agencies, communities, and corporations.
Community of Experts The delivery of our professional services is dependent on the partnership with our Community of Experts. Members of the COE are highly qualified in their field and provide professional services to the Centre’s clients including: • Facilitation and training • Training curriculum development • Mentoring and advising • Exercise design, development, and management • Exercise role playing
Minimum Requirements • Experience: minimum 5 years’ experience • Languages: fluency in English, French or Spanish • Excellent physical health • Capable of coping with the physical demands of carrying 5-10 kilograms of protective gear, 5-10 kilograms of camera equipment plus rations as required • Prepared to work in all weather conditions, including severe weather • Ability to cope with prolonged exposure to mental and physical stress that are typically found in modern battlefield simulation environments • Be prepared to eat, live and work in an Army field exercise environment, including sleeping in shared tents • High proficiency in English or French • University degree in journalism / languages / media / social sciences /philosophy
Positions & Qualifications
  1. Newsroom Manager/Editor Newsroom managers and editors’ co-ordinate work and assign duties, manage. Additionally they manage the operations of news crews, editors in the production of print, internet, radio and video news stories. Newsroom manager/ editors should have the following experience; • Experience assigning reporters to investigate and prepare news reports and provide necessary supervisory direction • Experience supervise journalists in reporting news events • Have a functional understanding of French • Experience overseeing reporting to ensure compliance with accepted journalistic ethics, standards, and practices
  2. Field Producer Field Producers physically accompany journalists on assignments and are responsible for guiding journalists in obtaining the video footage and personal interviews that generate news reporting. Field producers should have the following experience; • Experience guiding journalists in obtaining video footage and personal interviews to generate news reporting • Experience coordinating the creation of news videography & print newspaper • Experience advising journalists on rough editing and shot-listing news footage in preparation for assembling a final newscast • Experience advising journalists on interview techniques and on-camera reporting
  3. Multimedia-Technician Media Technicians plan, develop, produce, and edit video in cooperation with Newsroom Editors, Field Producers and Journalists. Media Technicians should have the following experience; • Experience duplicating tapes, DVDs and computer files for presentation purposes; • Experience capturing and processing digital still imagery; • Experience planning, designing and producing graphic arts material (drawings, illustrations and camera-ready artwork) for training and presentation purposes; • Experience organizing and maintaining an archive library of video and still images for present and future needs; • Experience performing maintenance on industry standard equipment including video and still cameras, digital recorders, video-editing and reproduction equipment.
  4. Journalists Journalists replicate the role of local, national and international journalists gathering information and reporting on incidents occurring in a country undergoing internal /external strife and conflict. Journalists should have the following experience; • Experience writing, filming, orating producing and delivering daily news under the guidance and direction of an editor or field director
How to apply: 
Interested applicants should send their C.V. and cover letter to the Community of Experts Coordinator,

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