Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Programme Manager – Green Economy

UNDP’s development efforts are defined by the Strategic Plan 2008-2013 (and its extension 2011-2013), which has established four development focus areas: (i) poverty reduction and the achievement of the MDGs, (ii) democratic governance, (iii) crisis prevention and post-conflict recovery, and (iv) environment and sustainable development. The environment and sustainable development focus area consists of four key result areas, which are to assist countries to: (i) mainstream environmental considerations into national development planning, (ii) catalyze environment finance, (iii) adapt to climate change, and (iv) expand access to environmental and energy services for the poor.
UNDP seeks to develop country capacities to manage the environment and natural resources in such a way as to benefit the poor and integrate environmental and energy dimensions into poverty reduction strategies and national development frameworks. Energy and environment are essential for sustainable development. The poor are disproportionately affected by environment degradation and lack of access to clean, affordable energy services. UNDP helps countries strengthen their capacity to address these challenges at the global, national and community levels, seeking out and sharing best practices, providing innovative policy advice, technical assistance and support to implementation, and linking partners, amongst other, through pilot projects, all with the major goal of helping poor people build sustainable livelihoods.
UNDP has recently embarked on a joint programme in association with UNEP and UN DESA on supporting approaches for green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty reduction. This programme has been established to provide collaborative support to national governments and stakeholders for the elaboration of themes and objectives of Rio+20 and post-Rio implementation. Integrating and articulating environment, social and economic policies  in national development plans and programmes are key areas of UNDPs work. The Green Economy joint programme as well as other  programmes such as the Poverty-Environment Initiative support this objective.
In addition, UNDP is working to support national efforts in the lead up to the UNCSD Rio+20 conference, which includes support to national consultations and the development of key stocktaking reports. These national efforts provide emphasis on building evidence-based solutions for sustainable development. 

Duties and Responsibilities

Strategic Portfolio Advice and Guidance: The Programme Manager will oversee the implementation of the Green Economy programme with a specific focus on Dutch partner countries and the implementation of activities in consultation and collaboration with joint programme partners UNEP and UN DESA. The Programme Manager will be responsible for fundraising and financial decisions that have implications for this project/programme. The Programme Manager will be responsible for reporting and liaising with the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office and where possible building on existing joint programming options. Based on the outcomes of the project, the Programme Manager will support the strategic vision for integrating green economy aspects into UNDP BDP policy service delivery mechanisms.  This will include understanding UNDP’s range of policy services as it relates to the green economy and providing a strategic platform for delivery through UNDPs network of regional and country offices.  The Programme Manager will provide high level technical advice and advocacy on the green economy in UNDP as well to external stakeholders.

Team building
:  The PM will work with the Environmental Mainstreaming Team in EEG and will be responsible for mentoring and working collaboratively with all team members.  As appropriate, he/she will liaise with BDP and Regional Bureau staff and consultants in HQ and in Regional Service Centers to ensure that project activities are undertaken in a timely and collaborative manner.  The PM will work with colleagues to ensure a common understanding of the definition and application of the green economy approach and links to UNDP’s overall sustainable development strategies. Throughout, the PM will support the creation of an empowering and team learning environment.

Policy Dialogue, External Relations and Partnerships:
  The PM will support UNDP’s policy position on green economy as it relates to the context and outcomes from the Rio+20 conference.  This will require developing internal and external partnerships with key stakeholders including partner countries, UN Agencies, relevant donor groups and other working relationships, professional groups and partners.  The PM will be expected to lead the development of new funding opportunities to expand UNDP’s activities in this area, working closely with other BDP and Regional Bureau colleagues to ensure synergies and coordination. s. 
Internal Relations and Partnerships:  The PM will take the lead in enhancing the collaboration in the area of green economy and sustainable development, with staff within EEG, other Practice Groups, UNDP Country Offices, Regional Bureaux, BCPR and other relevant HQ units and programmes, as well as with other UN agencies.
Ensuring Portfolio Impact:  The PM will ensure that the EEG policy and portfolio in green economy is having the desired impact and that this impact can be effectively measured, documented, and communicated. He/she will also oversee the publication of programming kits, and other knowledge products and ensure that these products are disseminated through the digital workspace.

More specifically:

The Programme Manager on Green Economy will report to the Environmental Mainstreaming Policy Advisor of EEG in performing all duties. 
Support to the Development and Implementation of Project activities (20%)
  • Manage programme activities and support the implementation of activities related to green economy project in joint collaboration with UNEP and DESA.
  • Close coordination with key implementation partners including HQ & UNDP Country Offices and UN agencies.
  • Organise biannual or annual Steering Committee meetings, including preparing the agenda, dissemination of meeting minutes to all participants, and implementation of Steering Committee decisions.
  • Lead the inter-agency working group meetings and reporting
  • Assist in the implementation, review and synthesis of nationally led reports for Rio+20

Advisory Support to HQ, Regional Centers, Country Teams, Executing partners and Others (15%)
  • Provide policy advice and guidance to HQ, Regional Centers, and participating countries with technical and strategic advice on relevant matters in association with other agencies and UNDP internal stakeholders.
  • Ensure effective interaction on needs and support components between global, regional and national activities
  • Effectively coordinate inputs for global and regional events as required in the joint programme
Project Implementation Oversight and Monitoring (20%)
  • Follow-up on project activities with due consideration to budgetary issues, including preparation of detailed reporting in line with donor and MPTF requirements.
  • Prepare regular reporting to the Steering Committee on the status of the project, impact assessment, project formulation, communication, and advocacy.
  • Participate in missions in countries participating in the programme to provide technical and/or implementation backstopping support of green economy activities.
Knowledge Management and Advocacy (15%)
  • Promote the exchange of best practices and innovative approaches.
  • Ensure that information materials, tools and advocacy publications for green economy and Rio+20 support are produced and effectively disseminated through the programme channels.
  • In collaboration with internal and external partners actively identify and contribute to green economy and sustainable development advocacy and outreach in the context of mainstreaming approaches adopted by UNDP.
Support the implementation of environmental mainstreaming activities (30%) 
  • Engage in substantive areas of policy including wealth accounting and establishing links to other agencies such as the World Bank and UNDESA
  • Develop project concepts and approaches for evolving areas of endeavor such as wealth accounting and monitoring indicators for sustainable development
  • In the post Rio+20 period provide support to programming approaches for mainstreaming policy services for UNDP Country Offices
  • Liaise and attend meetings and work collaboratively with UNDP Bureaus as required on relevant green economy and sustainable development issues
  • Assist in other areas as required and directed by the Policy Advisor including the Poverty–Environment Initiative.


      Functional Competencies:
      Communication: Communicates effectively with staff at all levels of the organization and is comfortable in handling external relations at all levels; demonstrates sensitivity, tact and diplomacy in internal as well as external relations in his/her role as Programme Manager on green economy projects. Able to draft clearly, concisely, and quickly in English, with the ability to edit and clear correspondence, speeches, briefings, etc.

       Capable of working in a highly pressured environment with extreme deadlines, managing many tasks simultaneously; able to handle a large volume of logistical details, accurately and thoroughly, with great attention to detail; exercises the highest level of responsibility and is able to handle confidential and politically sensitive issues in a responsible and mature manner; ideally versed in conflict mediation skills; provide authoritative advice on the development of policy which will affect a range of programmes and activities .

      Building Partnerships:Represents the organization in the development of projects and programmes at the country and sub-regional levels, central to UNDP’s mission; builds partnerships with the key UN agencies, others.
      Technical Competencies
      • Strong policy analytical skills that can be applied to the development and application of methods and tools for green economy and sustainable development;
      • Understanding of political issues under international negotiations on Rio+20 and the sustainable development agenda;
      • Skills and knowledge to build linkages between poverty reduction, MDGs, macroeconomic policies, environment, energy, climate change and sustainable development.
      • Able to draft clearly, concisely, and quickly in English, with the ability to edit and clear correspondence, speeches, briefings, etc. French is a distinct asset.
      • Ability to advise on problems carefully and logically, leading to fact-based and practical recommendations;
      • Ability to produce high-quality outputs in a timely manner while understanding and anticipating the evolving client needs;
      • Ability to focus on impact and result for UNDP and/or the recipient country or institution.
      Partnerships & Teamwork
      • Strong interpersonal skills, and capacity to build strong relationships with partners;
      • Ability to lead, manage complexity and contribute effectively to team work;
      • Ability to write and speak clearly and convincingly, including strong presentation skills;
      • Projects a positive image and is ready to take on a wide range of tasks to create an enabling environment;
      • Focuses on results for the client and responds positively to feedback;
      • Demonstrate commitment to the UN’s core values; respect for individual, gender and cultural differences in dealing with others and to achieving the goals of UNDP as a whole.
      Corporate Competencies:
      • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
      • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
      • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
      • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
      • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

      Required Skills and Experience

      • Master’s degree in environment, economics, social sciences or related international development field
      • At least10 years of progressively responsible project or programme management related to environmental sustainability, mainstreaming, assessment, policy and planning
      • Proficient in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) 
      • Experience working with NGOs, CBOs and private sector groups engaged in development activities
      • Experience working with global programmes or joint prgrammes with other UN agencies a strong asset
      • Developing country experience either working with a multi-lateral organization or NGO is essential
      • Sound skills in providing policy advice in the area of sustainable development and/or green economy
      • Fluent in English. Fluency in French or another UN language strongly desirable
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