Sunday, November 11, 2012

Regional Representation for Central Europe invites interested bidders to its tender for public information support services in Slovenia in 2013

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Representation for Central Europe invites interested bidders to its tender for public information support services in Slovenia in 2013.
Background information
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. The Regional Representation for Central Europe (RRCE) is located in Budapest and covers seven countries in the Central and Eastern European region: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
Services required
As UNHCR Regional Representation for Central Europe (RRCE) no longer has physical presence in Slovenia in the form of a UNHCR national office or representation, public information support services are required to keep the RRCE informed of key developments in the country through media monitoring and to provide core public information tasks in Slovene to the broader public, in line with the regional communications strategic priorities.
Key activities include media monitoring, assistance in management of the Slovene language website (, including content management and generation, public awareness raising activities (including for World Refugee Day), participation in events, and distribution of publications and materials, translation, proof-reading, and drafting of local materials.
Experience in the field of public information and communication is essential, as well as good knowledge of website management systems and other digital platforms. Knowledge of asylum and migration issues in Slovenia would be an advantage. Fluency in Slovene and English are required.
Partnership framework
The aim of the tender is to select a service provider who will be responsible for ensuring the above mentioned services to UNHCR Regional Representation throughout 2013 and with whom UNHCR shall sign a services contract for 2013. The work of the service provider shall be supervised directly by the regional Public Information Unit at UNHCR Regional Representation in Budapest.
Scope of Work
The successful bidder shall provide the following services to UNHCR:
-- Regular monitoring of media in Slovenia, including subscription to key newspapers and submission of written English language summaries of media articles dealing with asylum, refugees, migration and other issues of relevance to UNHCR on a weekly basis;
-- Assistance in managing the Slovene language website of UNHCR (, including maintaining and updating the site, as well as generating and uploading content approved by the RRCE Public Information unit;
-- Feeding in content and information for the regional (English-language) social media platforms and region-wide communication products.
-- Assistance in awareness raising activities, including participation at public events, organization and coordination of public events as required;
-- Distribution and storage of UNHCR publications, visibility items and public information material;
-- Drafting and translation of shorter texts and documents from English into Slovene and vice versa, as required;
-- Proofreading and checking of UNHCR documents, publications, reports, press releases, public information and other material, as required;
-- Participation at regional trainings, meetings, workshops and conferences, as required (travel costs shall be covered by UNHCR).
Technical Specifications
Requirements: The service provider shall have the adequate infrastructure, equipment and internet access to be able to engage in continuous communication via email and telephone and to manage the Slovene-language UNHCR website.
Copyright: UNHCR shall provide the contracting partner with logos, photos and any other material in an adequate format, as required by the assignment. The contracting partner shall not be entitled to use UNHCR’s logo or any other material supplied by UNHCR, for any purposes outside the scope of the contract. The copyright of the final product shall be the property of UNHCR.
Contract Duration:
The successful bidder shall sign a services contract with UNHCR for an initial six months starting on 1 February 2013, which can be extended until 31 December 2013 subject to satisfactory performance. An eventual extension of the framework agreement shall be subject to UNHCR’s needs and funding availability.
The services contract shall specify the total amount per month to be paid to the service provider for public information support services throughout 2013. Any extra work required under the scope of services contract shall be mutually agreed upon in advance and paid at an agreed hourly services fee. Travel costs (transportation, accommodation and daily subsistence allowance) related to regional trainings, meetings, workshops and conferences shall be covered by UNHCR outside of the regular monthly fee, as stipulated in the services contract.
Terms of Payment
The payment of the agreed services fee for each month shall be made to the contracting partner by bank transfer, on receipt of a report for services carried out that month and submission of a monthly invoice. Payment is effected within 30 days upon receipt of a request for payment from the contracting partner, and upon certification by UNHCR that services have been satisfactorily performed. Other details of terms and conditions for payment shall be stipulated in the services contract.
Consideration and Selection of the Best Offer
Selection criteria for award of a contract is, though not exhaustive, inclusive of proposed price/overall value for money, comprehensiveness of response to requirements, innovation of proposed solution, experience in similar projects and previous cooperation with UNHCR, other UN agencies or other organizations working in the field of asylum and migration. If deemed necessary, a second round of bidding or negotiations with shortlisted bidders may take place. The decision of UNHCR to select a successful bidder is final and absolute. UNHCR is not obliged to inform bidders on any details about the selection and the outcome of the tender.
UNHCR will prepare the draft services contract with the standard terms and conditions for consideration and signature by the successful bidder. The standard terms and conditions of contract are attached (see attached document) for information and will form and integral part of the contract.
Contact Person:
Any questions regarding the tender and the required services should be addressed to: Éva Hegedűs - Public Information Consultant via email:
How to apply: 
The tender documents to be submitted by bidders are the following:
-- tender form (see attached document);
-- general presentation of the bidder (preferably a curriculum vitae and a cover letter in case of an individual bidder; or a description of the organization/company);
-- references and samples of work previously done, with special emphasis on similar assignments produced for other UN agencies or non-governmental organizations working in the same or a similar field;
-- technical proposal describing the solutions and timelines proposed for the accomplishment of tasks specified under Scope of Work;
-- price proposal with a detailed calculation of costs of accomplishing the tasks specified under Scope of Work, including the proposed amount of the monthly payment. The cost calculation should include postage, telephone, internet and newspaper subscription costs as well. The proposed amount of the monthly payment should not include travel costs to regional meetings, trainings, workshops or conferences.
All cost calculations should specify net price + VAT amount (if relevant).
All tender documents are to be submitted in English. Documents submitted in other languages (other than samples of previous work) will not be considered. Any submitted incomplete tender will be rejected.
Tender documents shall be submitted no later than 29 November 2012 (midnight) in electronic format or in hard copy to the following address:
UNHCR Regional Representation for Central Europe H-1022 Budapest, Felvinci út 27., Hungary
The email subject or the envelope should include the indication: “Tender for public information support services in Slovenia in 2013“.

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