Sunday, November 11, 2012


The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) operation in Haiti is seeking an experienced consultant for an investigation into the future of its public radio broadcasts.
The start date of the evaluation is intended for late early December with a draft to be submitted before the end of the year. A detailed work plan will be negotiated with the consultant but will consist of approximately 10 days’ work.
Please see below for the full Terms of Reference.
Your application should consist of the following: • 1-page expression of interest (highlighting your relevant experience, your daily rate in CHF, stating where you would be travelling from and your availability). • A brief technical proposal • An up-to-date CV • The details of 3 employer references.
Please note that English and French are required languages for the consultancy with knowledge of Haitian Creole of strong additional benefit.
All reasonable expenses will be covered and accommodation and travel will be provided by IFRC for the duration of the stay in country.
Please submit applications to Mark South, IFRC Beneficiary Communications Delegate, Haiti, at
The deadline for applications is 18th November 2012
Unfortunately we are only able to contact shortlisted applicants. Thank you for your understanding.
How to apply: 
Terms of Reference
Radyo Kwa Wouj Sustainability Report – Red Cross Haiti 2012
Objectives of this review The primary objective is to examine options for the medium and long-term sustainable continuation of the Radyo Kwa Wouj radio show in Haiti.
Options at present range from using Red Cross funding to establish a dedicated full-time Red Cross commercial radio station to be run by the Haitian Red Cross, to scaling down the show and relying indefinitely on pledged funding from partner national Red Cross societies.
Deliverables At the end of the research period, the consultant will produce a written report that will address the following questions:
  1. Approximately how much investment would be needed to establish a Red Cross radio station at national or local level? What resources – financial, technical and human – would be required? How long would it take to scale up to such a venture from the current Radyo Kwa Wouj operation?
  2. Could a national/local commercial Red Cross radio station realistically be run as a revenue generating operation? Could there be any issues around the special status or fundamental principles of the Red Cross which would prevent or hamper this?
  3. What other options are open for the sustainable continuation and development of Radyo Kwa Wouj over the medium and long term?
  4. For how long can the show be run in its current form on pledged grants from national societies and other donors?
  5. Are there options for raising revenue from, or lowering costs of, the show in its current format? Could the show ever cover its own costs? How much could be raised or saved and would these benefits outweigh other impacts (such as loss of audience) these changes might have?
  6. What are the most appropriate options for safeguarding the show’s future? Structure The information gathered will be used to make future decisions about the future of Radyo Kwa Wouj and needs to clearly outline:
    • What is the viability of a full time Red Cross radio station being run on a commercial basis?
    • What are the most appropriate options for sustaining the Radyo Kwa Wouj program?
    • The costs and benefits (financial and otherwise) of each option
    • Suggestions for changing the format, staffing/organisational structure and/or funding of Radyo Kwa Wouj to maximize its long term sustainability.
Methodology The report aims at understanding what are the most appropriate and sustainable options for Radyo Kwa Wouj in Haiti. With this in mind, the consultant can use any of the following methods in order to obtain reliable and valid answers:
• Review of the key Radyo Kwa Wouj program and financial data. • Individual interviews with key external experts in the field of commercial radio in Haiti. • Interviews with internal Red Cross stakeholders – Radyo Kwa Wouj team, Resource Mobilisation delegates, Haitian Red Cross Communication staff etc. • Focus group discussions. • Observation of current Radyo Kwa Wouj working environment. Consultant responsibilities The consultant is responsible for the overall supervision of the Review: - Develop the methodology and tools to answer the objectives defined by the IFRC Haiti Communication Department - Collect the information and to conduct the data input and data analysis - Facilitation of any focus group discussions and observations. - Qualitative data analysis and supervision of the quantitative data analysis - Reporting

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