Sunday, November 11, 2012


Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) is an international relief and development agency working towards a caring world where the basic requirements of people in need are fulfilled. IRW responds to disasters and emergencies and works with local communities to reduce poverty by promoting sustainable economic and social development.
IRW is an independent non-political, non-governmental organisation (NGO) supported by hundreds of thousands of individual donors as well as institutions including UN agencies and the European Commission (EC). Based in Birmingham, UK, IRW has partner offices in over 30 countries that co-ordinate, fundraise for and implement its emergency and development programmes.
At the international level, IRW has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council, and is a signatory to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct. IRW is committed to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through raising awareness of the issues that affect poor communities and through its work on the ground. Islamic Relief are one of only 13 charities that have fulfilled the criteria and have become members of the Disasters Emergency Committee (
Islamic Relief Worldwide endeavours to work closely with local communities, focussing on capacity-building and empowerment to help them achieve development without dependency. Please see our website for more
To commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the organisation, a gala dinner was held in London with HRH Prince Charles as the guest of honour – please see the link below for more details.
Many organisations have official Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and budgets from which they will make charitable donations. As a registered charity and a member of the DEC, we would be ideal candidates to receive any charitable donations should you wish to incorporate them into any proposal that could also be considered.
IRW is an INGO founded in 1984 and is today one of the largest development agency inspired by Islamic faith teachings. IRW has been engaged in conflict transformation programming for over 10 years and has made a sustainable impact through its CT work in, amongst other countries, Yemen, Pakistan, and Mali particularly focusing on combining current tools and best practice with traditional Islamic principles and teachings. Islamic Relief is keen to broaden and deepen its understanding of how the use of faith traditions, principles and teachings can be used to address conflict through improved community understanding and practice.
This specific paper is being commissioned to enable Islamic Relief to understand how it can promote structures and principles with the communities it works with that minimize violence and ensure peaceful transformation of conflict through dialogue and negotiation where appropriate utilizing faith leaders and teaching. The theory of change relating to this is that Muslims tend to respect the authority of the Qur’an and Sunnah above all other influences and therefore principles and teachings from classical Islamic tradition will influence them in designing and agreeing governance structures both at a community and higher level which attempt to address competing priorities, avoid violent conflict and accept compromise.
This contributes directly to IR strategic deliverable:
Developmental sectoral specialisms are guided by best practice manuals and training modules in WASH, Sustainable Livelihoods Approach, Livelihoods (incorporating food security & Micro-credit), child welfare, conflict transformation and civil society capacity Building.
More specifically IR is developing a handbook that incorporates practical programming tools on CTPB and Islamic principles and faith teaching. This will be used to promote peaceful resolution of conflict in areas where we are working which are experiencing conflict as a result of resource constraints, ethnic and religious tension and poor levels of governance and absence of the rule of law.
The handbook will be utilized in the development of our CTPB programming which will combine practical processes for reconciliation with faith teaching that can enable buy-in at different levels. The handbook will also be used to influence CSOs. Multi-laterals and governments in the harnessing of faith teaching and faith leaders to build peace. The paper should be encouraged to be plain speaking but should not avoid technical and academic explanation and terms including principles of jurisprudence.
Proposed title; Handbook on good practice in the use of faith leadership and Islamic faith teaching in CTPB. Generic title; Conflict Transformation & Islamic faith teachings Type of paper; Guidance Manual for CTPB Programme staff Expected length; (25,000-30,000 words) 50-60 pages
The paper should be submitted to the project manager within the agreed timescales.
The assumption is that traditionally faith teachings and traditions have always informed reconciliation and peace building ethics and practice both from the perspective of the imperative of avoiding bloodshed, and reconciling hearts within the human family.
The questions the research will specifically ask are:
  1. To what extent are traditional tribal, intra-communal and inter-communal traditions of reconciliation informed and influenced by religious teaching and tradition?
  2. How have the traditions of reconciliation in Islam manifested in various forms of conflict transformation?
  3. How can these traditions be utilized as part of effective CTPB practice?
  4. How can faith leaders and faith teachings be utilised in mobilizing for peace?
  5. To what extent are the models utilized in the known case studies scalable to other areas and larger issues?
  6. What faith teachings support and enable internalization and mobilization of CTPB traditional activities?
  1. Desk based study: Identification of case studies involving Islamic faith and faith leadership in CTPB and lessons learned.
  2. Field Study: In those areas where literature is weak to carry out field research and assessment of at least two initiatives to examine how faith and faith traditions were utilized in mobilizing actors and what good practice can be drawn from this.
  3. Toolkit development: Merging of generic toolkits on subjects such as conflict analysis, negotiation and reconciliation with faith based teaching on the same to ensure programme staff have access to a range of faith based material to help support CTPB. The material from the earlier papers on CTPB & governance, reconciliation and violence will provide the bulk of the material.
  1. Literature review (max 8 pages)
  2. Guidelines & best practice: Inter-communal reconciliation between Muslims & Christians (15-20 Pages)
  3. Guidelines & Best practice: Intra-communal resolution between Muslim tribes/groups 15-(20 pages)
  4. Guidelines & best practice: Inter-communal reconciliation between Muslims and other religions/groups (15-20 pages)
  5. Building skills for CTPB utilizing faith teaching
  6. Recommendations for practice and scalability Attendance by Research fellow on or around 25th June 2013 for launch seminar
The following are tasks that need to be complete within the given timescales beneath;
Comments required from: IRW Policy team
Task Completion date
Expected date of consultancy commencement 30th November 2012 Target date for assignment completion 30th April 2013
Deadline for receiving applications is 15th November 2012 (5 pm UK time)
Comments due by (Sections 1, 2 &3) 10th April 2013 Revisions by author (Sections 1, 2 &3) 30th April 2013 Final draft due 30th April 2013
Publication date * 29th May 2013
Handbook Approval Process (Sections 1, 2 &3) 20th March 2013 (in draft) Handbook Approval Process (Section 4) 29th May 2013
  • Mention any specific pegs or events, and whether an embargo will be in place
Up-front payment of 33% followed by two further payments on completion of agreed milestones and final delivery of draft.
The maximum number of billable days for this assignment is 85 days.
How to apply: 
The duration of the contract is to be proposed by the applicant/bidder and may be reviewed for a possible extension thereafter; the selected candidate will be based at a location that is yet to be confirmed. The consultant will report directly to ‘Policy & Strategy Manager’. Working hours and holiday entitlement to be negotiated with the assessment panel.
A contract is to be signed and is available upon request. It is up to the applicants to read it thoroughly and familiarise themselves with the terms contained within. The invoice is to be submitted at the end of the month and will be paid on net payment terms 14 days.
The applicant will need to provide all equipment required to undertake the necessary tasks and this must include a suitable laptop and phone.
All potential applicants must fill in the table beneath in Appendix 2 to help collate key data pertaining to this tender. The applicant must be clear about other expenses being claimed in relation to this consultancy this must be specified clearly.
A copy of the terms of reference is available upon request as is the consultancy contract. The successful applicant will be required to sign two copies of the consultancy contract and retain a copy for his/her perusal and the second copy to be submitted (must be signed) to Islamic Relief Worldwide within 48 hours of receipt.
For this consultancy all applicants are required to submit a CV or fill in an IRW job application form which is available upon request.
This is an assignment that requires a conflict transformation specialist with remarkable knowledge about rights and protection in Islam.
Experience of and expertise in the charitable sector.
All tenders are required to be submitted before 5pm on Thursday 15th November 2012 pursuant to the attached guidelines for submitting a quotation and be returned to . For any issues relating to the tender or its contents please email directly to .
Please fill in the table below it is essential all sections be completed and where relevant additional expenses be specified in detail.
Cost evaluation of conflict transformation and Islamic faith teachings for IRW UK (Birmingham), October 2012
Applicants name Company name
No of proposed hours per week
No. of proposed days
Preferred days
Earliest available start date
Non preferred days
Hourly rate Total per week
VAT inclusive (Total)
Other expenses (please specify)
Other expenses (please specify)
Other expenses (please specify)
Preferred payment terms (IRW UK terms are normally 14 days).
Total cost for consultancy (for one month)
Total cost for consultancy (for proposed period)
The applicant is expected to pay full taxes in his/her native country (s), native country is referred to here as the country of residence.

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