Tuesday, October 23, 2012

lecturers in strategy/innovation management/entrepreneurship/leadership

The School of Technology Management at UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) invites applications for full-time lecturer positions in the areas of strategy, innovation management, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

UNIST is a research-oriented university in Korea, aiming to become one of the world-leading universities in research and higher education. UNIST attracts top ranked, high quality students in Korea as well as international students.

Candidates must hold a master, MBA, or Ph.D. degree in the relevant areas, and demonstrate commitment to high-quality teaching excellence and service to the university. The School of Technology Management offers Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degrees. All instructions are in English.

Interested candidates should apply electronically viahttp://www.unist.ac.kr/invite/pro/eng/invite_proeng_main.jsp. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Visit http://www.unist.ac.kr for more information about the school. For further inquiry, email Professor Kyootai Lee at kt78@unist.ac.kr.

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