Friday, September 28, 2012

Consultant: Advocacy and labour rights

The project ‘Empowering Young Workers in the Port and Maritime sector of Mombasa’ has its overall aim of improving young workers’ working conditions within the port and maritime sector in Mombasa, Kenya.
The project, which is scheduled to run between January 2012 and December 2014 is funded by DANIDA through FIC: Forum for International Cooperation (A Danish NGO) and is developed in partnership with three local labor organizations, namely; Kenya Dockworkers Union, Kenya Seafarers Union and Kenya Shipping Clearing and Warehousing Union (KSCWWU). Employers and relevant government institutions, such as Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) and Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) are also expected to play important roles.
Specific objectives of the project include: 1. Young Workers in the port and maritime sectors are aware of their labour rights and are taking active role of influencing change towards fairness, justice and greater welfare.
  1. The capacity of Trade unions to champion the rights, concerns and challenges of young workers in the port and maritime sector is strengthened.
Aim of the consultancy is strengthening the capacity of the TOTs on advocating and creating awareness on labour rights, Human rights, constitutional rights, international conventions as well as the rights to organize or join a trade union among the port workers.
It is expected that the consultant will be engaged to facilitate the process starting with advocacy in a four days’ workshop followed with another workshop for five days focussing on labour rights, Human rights, constitutional rights and international conventions. At the end of the training the TOTs are expected to develop a workplace awareness campaigns strategy. It is important to consider that the 35 TOTs come from separate and diverse workplaces with certain unique challenges which could also vary the approach that each group or team applies.
Methodology The successful candidate will work with the Young Workers Project Coordinator to design, deliver, and report on the trainings. He or she is expected to transfer technical skills and practical knowledge to the young workers representatives by conducting the training course In Labour rights as well as train the TOTs in advocacy for better working conditions and terms of employment for four days. The courses will involve approximately 35 participants consisting of eight young workers each from the project partner Organizations.
Competency - Facilitation skills - Advocacy - Labour Rights - Experience working with trade unions
The consultancy is open to Kenyan nationals or experts residing in Kenya.
How to apply: 
Please send a request for detailed TOR to and, or

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