Thursday, May 2, 2013

Consultant - For Capacity Needs Assessment and Developing a Capacity Building Plan for IWRM in Agriculture and Irrigation Sector

Mekong River Commission 
The role of MRC is to promote and coordinate sustainable management and development of water and related resources for the countries’ mutual benefit and the people’s well-being
MRC Secretariat is now recruiting highly a qualified individual consultant for the following consultancy
International Consultant
For Capacity Needs Assessment and Developing a Capacity Building Plan for IWRM in Agriculture and Irrigation Sector
Consultant type:
Programme / Division
International Consultant (Individual)
Agriculture and Irrigation Programme/ Operations Division
Work location     
Home base and the Office of the MRC Secretariat in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with possible travel to the MRC Member Countries
Contract type/ Duration     
55 working days from July 2013- October 2013
Objectives of the Consultancy  
The objective of this consultancy is to develop capacity development plans for Member Countries at national and regional levels in IWRM in the agriculture and irrigation sectors via:
  • capacity needs assessment (CNA) focusing on the inter-sector and inter-jurisdiction land and water resources allocation and monitoring process in the administration of agriculture and irrigation development projects and
  • development of a capacity building plan (CBP) based on the assessment result
1)   Inception plan of CNA in the MRC Member Country (MC) agencies which describes the scope, approach, methodology, expected results, schedule and other pertinent information of the assessment. The inception plan must have a strong conceptual ground for comparative assessment results (across the four MCs and across the key sections/areas relevant to AIP);
2)   Detailed CNA plan (includes draft questionnaires, interview guidelines and design for a consultation workshop)
3)   Draft CNA Report, includes a baseline of the existing capacity and a capacity needs map pertaining to the agencies with analysis on the current and future capacity needs (based on an institutional, financial and staff capacity gaps analysis);
4)   Final CNA Report incorporating all the comments given by MRCS and MCs; 
5)   Outline of the CBP for AIP’s approval
6)   Draft of the CBP, includes capacity building activities that may fit into 2014 and 2015 of the AIP 2011-2015 at regional, national and local levels (for each MC) including indicative cost for implementation, operational plan, and a monitoring and evaluation framework;
7)   Final CBP that incorporates all the comments given by MRCS and MCs.
  • Develop the methodology to conduct the Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA) taking into account specific needs toward IWRM competency in the agriculture and irrigation sectors as well as their linkage with trans-boundary IWRM competency and MRC IWRM Competency Framework;
  • Develop an associated capacity-monitoring and evaluation plan with concrete quantitative and qualitative indicators to be approved by AIP;
  • Conduct literature and document review, interviews, case analyses of project administration at central and provincial levels, and/or consultation workshops as part of the CNA process and present the findings of CNA to AIP, AIP National Coordinators and AIP stakeholders in the Member Countries;
  • Develop Capacity Building Plan (CBP) for implementation in short (2014-2015) and medium (2016-2020) terms with concrete target groups;
  • Prepare draft and final reports on the CNA and the CBP with sufficient details and requirements as agreed with AIP.
The following specific tasks, deliverables and milestones are foreseen:
Working days
Estimated timing
Initial discussions with MRC AIP/ICBP for the conceptualization of CNA, with reference to the MRC IWRM Competency Framework
Inception plan of CNA
July 2013
Literature review and CNA process planning
  • Review relevant literature on desirable capacity for the implementation of IWRM and experience on CNA especially those with focus on the LMB
  • Review national protocols and other relevant documents of the Member Countries to identify directions and priorities of capacity building towards establishing effective IWRM practices required in the agriculture and irrigation developments in country-specific contexts;
  • review previous studies, analyses and capacity building activities on IWRM in the context of the agriculture and irrigation sectors by MRC and other organisations to avoid redundant works;
Detail CNA plan with draft questionnaires, interview guidelines and consultation workshop plan
July 2013
Interviews, document review, case analyses of project administration, consultation workshops, etc. in MCs
July – August 2013
Compilation, analysis, and report writing
Draft CNA report
August 2013
Discussion with MRC AIP/ICBP for final revision of the CNA report and a clear outline for the CBP for AIP to approve (include logical framework, swot analysis, human resource, financial resource, implementation modality, M&E and reporting, etc.)
Final CNA report and Outline for the CBP
September 2013
Developing CBP and Capacity M&E plan
Draft CBP
September 2013
Presentation and feedback reflection
Final CBP
October 2013
  • M.Sc. or PhD university degree in agricultural engineering, water resources studies, agronomy/soil and crop science, agricultural economics, or related fields;
  • At least 15 years of experience in applied research or project management activities related to water resources development, agriculture, and rural development;
  • Proven experience in undertaking capacity needs assessment and developing capacity building programs;
  • Ability to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing with a wide range of people and to work in a multicultural environment;
  • Demonstrated experience of working in the Lower Mekong Region (preferable);
  • Good understanding of transboundary Integrated Water Resource Management, preferable in the Mekong basin;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English. 
The Term of Reference and other information can be obtained at MRC website Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Application procedures:
The application should include (i) a cover letter outlining clearly how the candidate meets therequirements of the position, (ii) a detailed CV, and (iii) MRC Personal History Form and (iv) Financial Proposal. The position title must be indicated in the cover letter.
The application should be sent to:
Mekong River Commission Office of the Secretariat in Vientiane (OSV)
P.O. Box 6101, 184 Fa NgoumRoad
Vientiane 01000, Lao PDR
Closing date for applications:  17 May 2013 

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