Thursday, May 2, 2013

Team Leader/ Natural Resources/Strategic Planning Expert

Mekong River Commission

The role of MRC is to promote and coordinate sustainable management and development of water and related resources for the countries’ mutual benefit and the people’s well-being

MRC Secretariat is now recruiting highly qualified individual consultants for the following consultancies 
1.     Team Leader/ Natural Resources/Strategic Planning Expert (Re-Announcement)
For the Development of Guidelines on the Multi Purpose Evaluation of Hydropower Projects
Consultant type
International or Riparian Consultant (Individual)
Programme / Division
Initiative for Sustainable Hydropower (ISH), Planning Division
Work location     
Home base and the Office of the MRC Secretariat in Vientiane, Lao PDR
Contract type/ Duration     
70 working days from June 2013- August 2014
The team leader will be responsible for the overall management of the project and ensure that the agreed terms of reference and work plan are complied with. The team leader will take primary responsibility for the stakeholder engagement process, for the literature and regional review of practices and for the interactive development of suitable methodologies and guidelines.  
  • Together with the team members, prepare detailed methodology and work-plan for the execution of this study;
  • Prepare the Inception Report and the Phase 1 report;
  • Responsible for the stakeholder engagement and consultation process including building a strong rapport with NMCs and line agencies;
  • Responsible for the literature and consultative review of regional and international practice in the field and for documenting existing policy and planning frameworks in relation to this subject;
  • Engage with regional and national agencies, institutions and NGOs who may be involved in research in this field and to document summary of findings;
  • On the basis of the above research, work with the team and the relevant agencies in each country to derive appropriate methods to supplement (where necessary) existing approaches;
  • Facilitate the development of Initial Draft Guidelines and Revised Draft Guidelines and training materials based on these methods;
  • Plan and supervise the preparation of case studies to illustrate the use of the guidelines;
  • Develop and implement an approach to build capacity in the relevant agencies and among regional practitioners in the use of the guidelines including the preparation of training material and case studies;
  • Responsible for ensuring that all project outputs are produced on time and to a high standard including the Final Report and published Final (Draft) Guidelines;
  • Responsible for reporting to MRCS ISH on progress and team issues.
Main Deliverables, Timeframe, Payment Schedule
Main Deliverables
Percentage of Payment
Phase 1
Output 1: Study scoping and planning - review of existing planning frameworks and national policy context.
1)     Develop a detailed work and resource plan.
2)     Deliver brief Inception report.
3)     Documentary and literature reviews.
4)     Develop a Guideline Concept Note.
20 days
By Month 2
20 %
Output 2: National and Regional level consultation
1)     Facilitate national level consultations with key stakeholders to discuss the Guideline Concept Note. 
2)     Reflect the outcomes of and build on existing consultations undertaken by the MRC and other agencies.
3)     Facilitate a Regional consultation to bring stakeholders together to develop a consensus on the main approaches to the study.
5 days
Month 3
10 %
Output 3: Interactive development of methods and Development of Draft Guidelines
1)     Interactively develop or select from international practice practical and replicable tools and methods for Initial Draft Guidelines.
2)     Initial Draft Guidelines including a description of why when and how these methods should be integrated into the power development planning cycle.
3)     Discuss and review Initial Draft Guidelines with ISH team.
4)     Facilitate national and/or regional consultations.
5)     Finalise Revised Draft Guidelines incorporating the comments from consultation process.
15 days
Months 4 to 8
30 %
Output 4: Phase 2 Planning and Phase 1 report
1)    Define Phase 2 and Case Study Objectives;
2)    Selection of one case study in each member country (or more as agreed by the member countries);
3)    Draft a work plan (resources, time line etc.) for Phase 2 of the study to include:
a)    Preparation, documentation and communication of suitable case studies;
b)    Provision of training material and workshops to build capacity in appropriate line agencies in the Revised Draft Guidelines.
4)    Delivery of Phase 1 Report and Revised Draft Guidelines including all comments and feedback from the consultation process.
10 days
End Month 8
40 %
Phase 2[1]
Output 5: Preparation, documentation and Communication of Case Studies
1)     Select appropriate national line agency staff and trainees (1 or 2) to work with the team on the case study development;
2)     Coordinate the inputs to the case studies (in association with line agencies, regional research organisations etc.);
3)     Prepare the case study materials and analyses using the Revised Draft Guidelines covering both the valuation and analysis of the externalities and the costs and benefits of the multi-purpose opportunities; and
4)     Review and finalise Case studies and prepare communication and training materials associated.
5 days
Months 9 to 12
Output 6: Provide training and build capacity
1)     Finalise layout and presentation of the Final Draft Guidelines and prepare training materials;
2)     Host training workshops (2 estimated) in each country to appropriate line agency staff.
5 days
End Month 14
Output 7: Study Finalisation
1)     Prepare for and facilitate a workshop with senior policy makers (regional or national to be advised) on the Final Draft Guidelines;
2)     Prepare Final Report covering:
a)     Summary and observations of Study outcomes, consultations and case studies;
b)     Recommendations for Next Steps and scopes for further study.
10 days
End Month 14
  • At least 15 years professional experience and a higher degree (preferably PhD) in a relevant field;
  • Experience in the Mekong Region (or similar) on issues related to sustainable development, environmental management and infrastructure assessment;
  • Extensive experience in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the environmental and social costs and benefits of large infrastructure investments; 
  • Strong understanding of the environmental opportunities and risks of hydropower and their socio-economic interconnection;
  • Proven experience in the management of multi-disciplinary teams;
  • Experience in the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders including senior level officials in government agencies;
  • Proven ability in the interactive development of tools guidelines and an ability to build rapport with stakeholders;
  • Substantial experience in strategic planning and the analysis of social and environmental issues within sectoral strategic planning; 
  • Proven communications skills and excellent written English.

[1] Number of days required for Phase 2 to be confirmed after Output4 Complete.

The Term of References and other information can be obtained at MRC website Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Application procedures:
The application should include (i) a cover letter outlining clearly how the candidate meets therequirements of the position, (ii) a detailed CV, and (iii) MRC Personal History Form. (iv) Five-page brief of the methodology planned to be used (v) 3 referees with the contact details (vi) Financial Proposal. The position title must be indicated in the cover letter.
The application should be sent to:
Mekong River Commission Office of the Secretariat in Vientiane (OSV)
P.O. Box 6101, 184 Fa NgoumRoad
Vientiane 01000, Lao PDR
Closing date for applications:  15 May 2013

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