Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mercy Corps Mid-Line Survey Data Analysis Consultant

Mid-Line Survey Data Analysis Consultant
MC CDP-2 (Catchment Development Program – Phase 2)
Contract Type
Service Contract
One week
On Applicant Residence
The consultant will be paid a set rate for a total of 5 working days. No additional wages or fees will be provided. This is a remote assignment that does not involve any travel to the field site.
Mercy Corps Background
Mercy Corps is a non-profit organization that exists to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities. Mercy Corps operates in more than 35 countries reaching more than 7 million people worldwide. Mercy Corps has worked in Afghanistan since 1986 on more than 50 projects related to humanitarian relief, health, agriculture, animal health, infrastructure rehabilitation and microfinance.
The second phase of the Catchment Development Project (CDP-2) will strengthen the livelihoods of 6,800 households in 44 upper water catchment communities in Baghlan, Kunduz and Takhar provinces, through improved natural resource management from the household through the watershed level. Through community mobilization and improved coordination with local and provincial government, these communities will implement projects in crop production, soil conservation and water management, forest and tree resource management, livestock care, pasture and rangeland management, and small-scale household energy management. Active involvement and capacity building of the Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock will ensure that activities not only benefit participating communities, but also the larger watershed system. The project will facilitate the creation of province-wide conservation plans and strengthen the role of the Sub-Basin Authority, creating a sustainable forum for upstream and downstream water users to determine natural resource management strategies.
Overall objective:
To complete the analysis and prepare a written report of the mid-line survey conducted by Mercy Corps’ CDP-2 staff in 2012.
  1. Review instruments and methodology used for data collection by national staff team as a part of the survey
  2. Ensure that all questionnaires have been correctly entered and that data has been properly cleaned.
  3. Review and re-run basic frequencies of all variables, as necessary.
  4. Building on the analysis done by M&E unit, determine in consultation with Mercy Corps M&E staff appropriate additional correlations to run, run correlations, and provide cross tabs, 4x4 tables and analysis with confidence intervals.
  5. Prepare a concise report of the findings of the survey including a description of the population surveyed, fuel energy use status, knowledge, attitudes and practices as well as other demographic and NRM status indicators
  6. Provide basic feedback to Mercy Corps national staff in data entry, analysis and report writing as required
  7. Identify weakness in survey design and implementation and make suggestions for improvements for future surveys.
  8. Present findings to Senior Mercy Corps CDP-2 and program staff through an informal presentation in case needed.
  9. Make recommendations for interventions based on the results of the survey and or the need for further investigation
  10. Adhere to all Mercy Corps administrative procedures and policies;
  11. Adhere to all Mercy Corps Security Protocols at all times;
  12. Conduct himself/herself both professionally and personally in such a manner as to bring credit to Mercy Corps and not to jeopardize its humanitarian mission in Afghanistan;
  13. Other duties as assigned
  1. Final report based on survey analysis provided to Mercy Corps Afghanistan upon completion of project. (Hard copy and electronic report). This will include the cleaned database and any relevant statistical analysis. The report format should be as follows:
  • Cover Page w/ photo
  • List of Acronyms
  • Table of Contents which identifies page numbers for the major content areas of the report.
  • Executive Summary (2 to 3 pages) should be a clear and concise stand-alone document that gives readers the essential contents of the evaluation report, previewing the main points in order to enable readers to build a mental framework for organizing and understanding the detailed information within the report. In addition, the Executive Summary helps readers determine the key results and recommendations. Thus, the Executive Summary should include: major lessons learned; maximum of two paragraphs describing the program, summary of targets and intended outcomes; areas of meaningful under or over achievement; and possibly a few lines describing the action plan developed to follow up on evaluation recommendations and how the evaluation report will be disseminated.
  • Methodology: sampling method including strengths and weaknesses of method used, inclusion of stakeholders and staff, rough schedule of activities, description of any statistical analysis undertaken, including justification and software package used. The discussion of any random sampling used should include details on how the random respondents were identified and invited to participate. This section should also address constraints and limitations of the evaluation process and rigor. The methodology section should also include a detailed description of data collection techniques used throughout the evaluation.
  • Results: This is to describe the key findings from the survey.
  • Synthesis, Recommendations and Lessons Learned: This is space for the evaluator to think about the data and results, and make concrete recommendations for current or future project improvements/changes, pull out organization lessons learned, and generally comment on data and results. Everything presented in this section must be directly linked back to the information presented in the Results section of the report. Ideally, items discussed here will not be completely new to the reader, but rather will refer to previous discussions. Recommendations that are not directly tied to Results can be included in an Evaluator Comments section for the report.
  • Annexes: data collection instruments in English and translation; list of stakeholder group with number and type of interactions; any data sets can be provided in electronic format, any required photos, participant profiles or other special documentation needed.
Payment will be made at the end of the contract.
Payment will be approved upon receiving the final deliverables.
A degree in NRM or related field and 5 years experience in data analysis using Excel, SPSS, Stata or other statistical software. Experience designing and implementing natural resources management surveys. Strong writing skills and experience in the preparation and presentation of survey reports. Strong English and computer knowledge.
Reports to CDP-2 CD or DoP;
Mercy Corps Afghanistan M&E Team and CDP-2 Program staff.

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