The European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) is a think & do tank, whose main goal is to broker effective partnerships between Europe and the Global South, especially Africa. Based in Maastricht, The Netherlands, it promotes inclusive forms of development and cooperates with public and private sector organisations to better manage international relations.
We are looking for three entrepreneurial professionals to contribute to the Centre’s dialogue, networking and capacity development activities, as:
- Policy Officer for Development Policy (with possibilities to become deputy programme manager), with insights on what’s next on the global development agenda beyond aid effectiveness, and expertise on how non-development policies affect development.
- Policy Officer for Innovative Finance for Development, with practical insights into the mechanisms for development finance and resource mobilisation, from a perspective of private sector, economic integration and sustainable development.
- Policy Officer for Food Security, with expertise in food security in developing countries, rural economic development and regional integration processes in Africa.
Deadline for application: 6 January 2013. For full texts of the vacancies and more, please go to