Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mental Health Trials Coordinator Sangath Goa, India

About Sangath (www.sangath.com)
Sangath is a leading health research NGO based in the state of Goa, India, with a focus on child development, adolescent health and mental health.  Sangath’s mental health program expertise lies in developing and evaluating mental health interventions to be delivered through existing public systems, in particular through empowerment of non-specialist health workers with appropriate skills and support. Sangath is committed to undertake policy and programme relevant research that will advance public mental health goals in India. The organization was awarded the prestigious MacArthur Foundation International Prize for Creative & Effective Institutions in 2008. Sangath is recognized as a Scientific Reserarch Organization by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. Sangath works in partnership with leading academic institutions in India and abroad, such as the Public Health Foundation of India and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
About this post
Sangath is seeking to hire a Mental Health Trials Coordinator for its projects on task shifting of mental health interventions funded by the Wellcome Trust (UK) and the National Institute of Mental Helath (USA). The PI of these projects is Professor Vikram Patel.
The post-holder will be primarily involved in all aspects of the randomised controlled trials to evaluate the interventions including research design, implementation, analysis and dissemination. The post is based in Goa and will report to Professor Vikram Patel.  
Salary will be offered on basis of experience and qualifications. 
The appointment is for a minimum of one year starting from the earliest date convenient to the selected candidate.
Job Responsibilities
·         Develop research and ethics protocols
·         Design research instruments and tools including interview guides and questionnaires, information sheets, consent forms, brochures, etc.
·         Train and monitor the field investigators to assure quality of data collection
·         Design data management plans and monitor data entry process
·         Design and implement data analysis plans
·         Draft scientific report and journal articles
·         A master’s degree in clinical trials, medical statistics or epidemiology
·         Demonstrated experience in clinical trials
·         Demonstrated experience in field research in health
·         Knowledge of statistical software such as Stata
·         Fluency in English
·         Commitment of a minimum of one year
·         Willingness to be based in Goa
·         PhD in a health science
·         Research publications or some other demonstration of writing ability
·         Demonstrated experience in qualitative research methods in health
·         Commitment for 3 years
·         Experience of intervention development and evaluation
·         Experience in mental health research
If you are interested in this post, and strongly feel you meet the essential requirements, send your detailed CV and completely filled self-assessment form (attached) at anuja@sangath.com latest by 10 January 2013.
For more information about the post, please contact Dr Neerja Chowdhary onneerjachowdhary@hotmail.com

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