Sunday, December 2, 2012

Staff Recruiter - Labor Union Experience

The California Nurses Association (CNA) / National Nurses United (NNU) AFL-CIO seek an experienced Labor Union Staff Recruiter with an intense commitment to social justice and professional experience in recruiting veteran union organizers, lead organizers, seasoned labor representatives and knowledgeable union support staff nationwide.
NNU is the nation's largest union and professional association of registered nurses, and at the forefront of national efforts to transform the market-driven healthcare industry in the U.S. to a single-payer style healthcare system, along with rekindling the movement for progressive social change.
CNA/NNU are also well known for negotiating premiere collective bargaining contracts for registered nurses, for sponsoring the nation's foremost safe staffing law, for organizing campaigns that have made it one of the fastest-growing unions in the U.S., and for innovative, award-winning political campaigns. NNU has 170,000 members in all 50 states.
The ideal candidate has developed a personal national network of experienced union staff professionals. We seek a Recruiter with a proven track record at generating numerous applications from skilled and qualified veteran candidates in regions around the country.
The ideal candidate has worked closely with AFL-CIO constituency groups including the A. Philip Randolph Institute, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Coalition of Labor Union Women, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement and Pride At Work.
The Recruiter must be thoroughly familiar with the job requirements of experienced labor representatives, organizers and lead organizers. The Recruiter has successfully screened veteran union staff, verifying their skills, accomplishments, priorities and references.
Other necessary qualifications include some travel and the ability to contact working candidates during evenings and weekends. Position requires exceptional interviewing skills, strong Internet search skills, excellent oral and written communication skills, interpersonal and organizational skills. Candidates should be self starters, who enjoy working closely with others. This position is based in Oakland, CA.
For immediate consideration please submit your cover letter, resume, and a writing sample, along with salary requirements using the link below. Please be sure to fill out the attached online form.
For more information about NNU, please check out our award-winning web-site
CNA/NNU are committed to Equal Opportunity, and considering applicants of all ages, races, sexual orientations, national origins, ethnicities, and religions. We urge people of color and women, experienced union staff recruiters of all backgrounds, to apply.

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