This request for expressions of interest follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in dgMarket on August 16, 2010.
The NGO Development Center (NDC) has received financing in the amount of US$ 2 million equivalent from the World Bank, and in the amount of EUR 5 million equivalent from the French Agency for Development (AFD), toward the cost of the Palestinian NGO IV Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments under the contract for ‘M&E Consultant for the Implementation Structure of the NGO Strategic Framework Document 2013-2017’.
During 2012, the NDC updated the sector development strategy (originally prepared in 2006) with the assistance of the French Agency for Development (AFD) and engaging a wide audience from the civil society (NGOs and Networks), the public sector, the private sector and the donor agencies operating in Palestine, producing the NGO Strategic Framework Document 2013-2017.
Monitoring and evaluation is a major part of the Strategic Framework’s implementation scheme. It defines the levels of accountability in the over-all implementation and oversight structure and the types of reports that will be generated at each level to determine accomplishments at each period.
Scope of Work: The objective of this assignment is to review, adjust, and operationalize the M&E plan through developing NDC Project Management Information System (PMIS) to accommodate the progress and indicators of the implementation process of the sector strategy with close coordination with NDC staff, Steering Committee, and Sub-committees.
To achieve the objective of the assignment, the M&E consultant shall perform the following tasks in a highly participatory manner and in close coordination with the sector development unit staff:
- Review the existing Monitoring and Evaluation plan.
- Work with the sub-committees and the Steering Committee to revise and adjust the M&E plan.
- Incorporate comments resulting from consultative meetings with NDC staff, SC, and sub-committees.
- Conduct a baseline for the strategic objectives. This should take into account an inventory of existing NGO programs/projects that relate to the strategic objectives, as well as planned programs/projects/ interventions
- Reflect the M&E framework within the existing NDC PMIS.
- Design a clear and comprehensive reporting system that captures the implementation progress of the sector strategy in accordance with the M&E plan.
- Formulate reporting procedures and templates to gather information to monitor the strategy implementation that are compatible with the PMIS
- Coach the networks’ coordinators on reporting procedures and data gathering.
Qualifications of the consultant: In order to accomplish the objective of the assignment and the scope of work, a qualified Consultant is required with the following qualifications and competencies:
a. Advanced degree in development studies, organizational development, management or any other related fields.
b. Solid knowledge of strategic planning processes, M&E frameworks and data collection.
c. Technically competent and independent
d. At least seven years’ experience in the field of M&E consultancy service provision.
e. At least three years’ experience in Project Management Information Software Systems.
f. Ability to work in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
g. Expertise in developing and designing Monitoring and Evaluation systems for NGOs.
The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (May 2004, Revised October 2006 and May 2010) based on Individual Consultant (IC) method.
How to apply:
Interested consultants may obtain detailed information and the full TOR at or Applicants should submit their resume with a cover letter to the following no later than Saturday April 30, 2013
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.