Saturday, January 5, 2013

PhD student position in comutational proteomics

  • Last application date: Feb 15, 2013 03:20
  • Department: GE07 - Department of Biochemistry
  • Contract: onbepaald
  • Degree: Master's degree in a relevant field (sciences, informatics, statistics, mathematics, (bio-)engineering)
  • Occupancy rate: 100%
  • Vacancy Type: wp

Job description

The group of Prof. Dr. Lennart Martens, located in Ghent, Belgium, focuses on the analysis and integration of high-throughput omics data. In light of a recently granted IWT SBO project ‘inspector: an integrated informatics platform for mass spectrometry-based protein assays’ the group is now looking for a PhD student to work on computational proteomics, specifically with regard to the development and implementation of novel algorithms and tools to support targeted proteomics approaches.
The group of Prof. Martens is very internationally oriented, and has a very strong publication record. The group offers an open, highly dynamic, and challenging working environment, in which team work, initiative and originality are stimulated.
The position is available from 1st of March 2013 or earlier, based on availability.


The successful candidate will have obtained or will soon obtain a Master’s degree in a relevant field (sciences, informatics, statistics, mathematics, (bio-) engineering) and will have a keen interest in bioinformatics and/or data mining. Experience in proteomics informatics and/or software development is considered an advantage....


Please submit a cover letter, a full c.v., and a list of at least 2 contact persons (with name, email, address, phone number) for letters of reference to, or: Lennart Martens, A. Baertsoenkaai 3, B-9000 Gent, BELGIUM.

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