Full/Associate/Assistant Professor in Political Science
Singapore Management University -School of Social Sciences
The School of Social Sciences (SOSS), Singapore Management University, invites applications for tenure-track positions in Political Science at the Full, Associate, or Assistant Professor rank.
Applicants with expertise in the following areas are sought:
- Public policy, with a focus on sustainability, and/or roles of the private sector in governance;
- Comparative politics, with a focus on either South Asia, Southeast Asia or the Middle East;
- International political economy, with special emphasis on environmental issues and natural resources such as water and energy;
- International Relations, with reference to contemporary International Relations Theory and issues related to international cooperation and conflict in Asia.
We are seeking candidates with a record of, or high potential for, scholarly research commensurate with the rank, as well as demonstrated teaching aptitude. The positions require a doctorate in Political Science or a closely related field such as Public Administration or Public Policy by the date of appointment. A research focus on Asia is a plus. Successful candidates will teach Introduction to Political and Policy Studies or an introductory research methods course, in addition to other courses to be determined. At the senior level, the appointee is expected to assume a mentorship role in research activities and curriculum development for the School.
Singapore Management University is committed to an interdisciplinary and integrated curriculum, providing opportunities to work with faculty across the social sciences and professional schools. The research support is excellent, salary and benefits are highly competitive, and the teaching load is relatively light. Classes are capped at no more than 45 students.
Full evaluation of applications will start from 31 January 2013. Interviews for short-listed candidates will be conducted in February/March 2013. The successful candidates will be expected to start at Singapore Management University in July 2013.
The application package should include (in electronic form): a cover letter describing research and teaching interests, a curriculum vitae (including teaching experience and a list of referees), and one or two selected publications. The package should be sent to the Dean’s Office, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University at the following email address via the Apply button below:socialsciencescv@smu.edu.sg.
For documents not available in electronic form, hard copies should be sent to: The Dean’s Office, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University, 90 Stamford Road, Level 4, Singapore 178903. Applicants should also arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the Dean’s Office either by email or the mailing address above. Information about the University and the School can be found at www.socsc.smu.edu.sg.