Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wisconsin Sustainability Intern Program

Project Management Experience: Reduce Waste in Business and Local Government Facilities

Gain "hands-on" problem-solving experience by advancing environmental sustainability through waste reduction in Wisconsin. The University of Wisconsin Extension, Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center (SHWEC) is seeking upper level University of Wisconsin students to work at host facilities to develop and apply sustainable strategies and solutions. Interns work full time at the facility and report back to SHWEC. The position is for 12 weeks (except holidays) plus the 2-day mandatory orientation held at the end of the spring semester. Pay is $13.00/hour.

Typical Job Duties:
Attend the 2-day mandatory orientation in late May.
Work in the facility from May 28 through August 16, 2013.
Review records to determine where waste is generated, why and what sustainable practices can be used to reduce waste and save money.
Document waste reduction efforts in a data spreadsheet.
Present findings to the facility and SHWEC staff.

Seeking upper level University of Wisconsin students with strong backgrounds in engineering and/or science including environmental science, chemistry or biology. Problem-solving, independent work and interpersonal skills are required. All candidates should have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 and possess good oral and written communication skills.

To Apply:
Go to: http://uwex.edu/shwec/intern
1)Complete the on-line application form
2)Submit Required Uploads
-Your resume
-Unofficial transcript
-Cover letter briefly discussing:
What do you expect to gain from this internship? What are your long-term career goals?
Are you ready to make a commitment?

Applications submitted by early January are more likely to receive offers. Applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.

Contact Marlene Jaglinski
Website: http://uwex.edu/shwec/intern

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