Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Associate Director, CAP in Bangkok, Thailand

FHI 360 is a global development organization with a rigorous, evidence-based approach. Our professional staff includes experts in health, nutrition, education, economic development, civil society, environment and research. FHI 360 operates from 60 offices with 4,400 staff in the U.S. and around the world. Our commitment to partnerships at every level and our multidisciplinary approach enable us to have a lasting impact on the individuals, communities and countries we serve–improving lives for millions. We seek qualified candidates for the position of Associate Director, CAP in Bangkok, Thailand.
Project Description:
Through the USAID RDMA-funded Greater Mekong Sub-region Multidrug Resistant TB Prevention and Management (CAP-TB) Project, FHI 360 is working to decrease the incidence, morbidity, and mortality due to MDR-TB in Burma, China, and Thailand.  The overarching goal of CAP-TB is to develop, implement, and evaluate a model for MDR-TB, based upon the foundation of national TB programs’ strategies for programmatic management of drug-resistant TB (PMDT). 
The project’s strategy is to first identify each country site’s capacity for MDR-TB diagnosis, treatment initiation, treatment success, and prevention.  This is closely followed by strategic planning for focused interventions supported by CAP-TB to improve capacity in each of these PMDT cornerstones.  These focused interventions include improved diagnostic capacity through GeneXpert, a revolutionary diagnostic based on molecular techniques; patient treatment support through a nutritional package of services; engagement of community workers for treatment support of patients and promoting advocacy for MDR-TB prevention and control; and supporting the national TB programs to expand their network into the private sector.    
The associate director will be responsible for operational management of CAP-TB’s Thailand and Regional activities and additional support and management for CAP-TB activities in China and Burma. 
  1. The Thailand CAP-TB program is comprised of subgrants to local implementing partners and coordination with provincial and national TB authorities to improve MDR-TB control and prevention, with specific focus on at-risk populations such as the migrant community in Rayong province. 
  2. The Regional CAP-TB program is comprised of activities that span all countries, including but not limited to the following:  the regional MDR-TB Knowledge Gateway, a web-based platform that will serve as a dashboard for CAP-TB partners and implementing agencies; an e-learning and training site for CAP-TB collaborators and others in the greater Mekong sub-region; and a portal for technical updates that will focus on keeping clinicians and health policy advocates connected on TB and MDR-TB clinical studies and recently published literature from the region.
  3. The Regional CAP-TB program will involve oversight of the organizational capacity development (OCD) portfolio, led by CAP-TB’s OCD consultant.  The associate director will liase directly with the consultant and  help to coordinate baseline OCD assessments for all implementing agencies in Burma, China, and Thailand as well as assist in the preparation of reports and follow-up OCD assessments that will be led by the consultant.
  4. The Regional CAP-TB program will involve close coordination and oversight of the project’s routine monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities, including implementation of the M&E plan in all countries, data collection, data reporting using a CAP-TB relational database, and liaising with FHI 360’s M&E team, led by FHI Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) director of strategic information.
The associate director will directly supervise CAP-TB Thailand and Regional teams and will work closely with program and technical staff at FHI APRO and FHI country office teams under the supervision of the Project Director / Chief of Party to plan, coordinate, implement, and report activities.  The associate director will also serve as the acting Project Director / Chief of Party for all program and operations of CAP-TB as required.
Position Description:
  • Plans and manages Thailand and Regional Program activities under USAID-RDMA funded CAP-TB project.
  • Is responsible for the overall reporting required for CAP-TB as well as annual workplans and budgets.
  • Has full financial authority for the Thailand and Regional Program budgets. Manages an annual budget of approximately US$1million.
  • Directly supervises the team of Thailand/Regional Program Officers .
  • Oversees production of timely and accurate financial and programmatic reports to FHI and donors as required.
  • Provides additional management support to the Burma and China programs.
  • Ensures appropriate development and monitoring of subprojects to achieve financial, administrative, and programmatic goals in accordance with applicable FHI 360 and donor policies and procedures.
  • Ensures program quality and achievement of results.
  • Is responsible for strategic development of the USAID components of the Thailand and Regional programs.
  • Reviews and/or writes proposals, protocols, papers, reports and is responsible for ensuring accuracy and appropriateness.
  • Serves as acting Project Director / Chief of Party for designated program and operations of CAP-TB when required.
  • Recruits, orients and supervises Thailand and Regional staff.
  • Ensures appropriate office policies and procedures, including personnel policies, are developed and implemented.
  • Participates in managing project level information in order to respond fully to USAID and FHI 360 reporting requirements.
  • Manages development of and monitors work plans and budgets; ensures appropriate levels of technical assistance in program operations; coordinates partner efforts in program implementation; ensures appropriate program monitoring and accurate financial and programmatic reporting to FHI 360, and other donors as required.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
Minimum Requirements: 
  • Bachelor’s degree or its international equivalent in public health or related field; Master’s level degree in public health or related field preferred.
  • Minimum 8+ years relevant experience with international development programs and experience in design, implementation, and management of TB and MDR-TB or other public health/international development programs funded by US government or other international donors required
  • 3-5 years of supervisory experience
  • Sensitivity to cultural differences and understanding of the political and ethical issues surrounding public health issues.
  • Ability to design, implement and manage public health/international development programs funded by US government or other international donors.
  • Proven skills in management, supervision, leadership and networking
  • Knowledge of strategic planning, administrative, and financial management systems
  • Ability to manage projects, set realistic priorities and objectives, and meet those objectives.
  • Experience in design, implementation, and management of TB and MDR-TB or other public health/international development programs funded by US government or other international donors required;
  • Demonstrated ability to work successfully in a collaborative environment and as part of a team;
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision;
  • Excellent written, spoken and presentation skills in English and Thai;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of TB and MDR-TB in the Asia and Pacific Region
  • Demonstrated experience working across a diverse set of partners and stakeholders, including bilateral and multilateral partners, local NGOs/PVOs, and public/private agencies.
  • Ability to travel within the region and/or within the project country as well as ability to travel internationally if needed.
FHI 360 has a competitive compensation package. Interested candidates may register online through FHI 360's Career Center at www.fhi360.org/careercenter or through the Employment section at www.fhi360.org. Please submit CV/resume and cover letter including salary requirements. Please specify source in your application.

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