Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Internships, Wisconsin League Of Conservation Voters

Internship Opportunities: Spring 2013

Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters seeks interns for course credit for the January - May 2013 Semester

About the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters
Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders, holding decision makers accountable and encouraging lawmakers to champion conservation policies that effectively protect Wisconsin's public health and natural resources. For more information on the organization, visithttp://www.conservationvoters.org.

Internship Responsibilities
Interns will learn more about the operations of nonprofit organizations and will work closely with experienced professional staff. Intern(s) will gain skills in field organizing, public policy, and development while also learning more about conservation policy.

All interns report to the Central Organizer, and will work to pass and defend top conservation issues by: 1) engaging citizens on conservation issue campaigns, 2) generating and tracking media coverage. 3) recruiting a new generation of members to our social networking sites; 4) encouraging on-line supporters to take action and volunteer 5) updating media contacts; and 6) assisting with issue research.

Skills Required
• Organized with strong written and verbal communication skills.
• Ability to conduct research on-line or through traditional media.
• Database management experience and event planning skills a plus.
• Independently motivated and enjoy working with people.

• Interns will work from the Madison office of Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters, located ~2 blocks from the Capitol and on the bus line.
• Interns may earn 2-4 course credits (typically, students earn 1 credit for every 3-4 hours worked per week). The position is unpaid.
• Interns are responsible for finding a faculty sponsor and meeting all internship requirements of the college or university.
To Apply
Please send a letter of interest and resume to Matt Dannenberg, matt@conservationvoters.org or 133 S. Butler St., #320, Madison, 53703.

Positions are Limited. Early Applications will be given preference.
Website: http://www.conservationvoters.org/

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